Firefox 45.0 bugs
Firefox 45.0 bugs


I am aware of the HTML-only version of Discourse when Javascript is disabled, but this is not a solution in my case, as these users need to be able to use at least basic Discourse functionalities - post, reply, like, vote in polls, etc. If 4 years is already considered to be too old by Discourse developers, then we will probably be forced to abandon Discourse and go back to emails - which is my worst nightmare at the moment, to be honest. In our community we will definitely have some users with old phones/computers (elderly people, poor people or people simply not interested in changing their phones every year). I am aware that Firefox 45 is 4 years old and that Discourse has a strict “only latest versions of the major browsers are supported” policy, but still I wonder if this is an expected behavior or if Discourse and Firefox 45 should still work fine together.

firefox 45.0 bugs

This only happens once, but can be recreated again by doing a normal page refresh.

firefox 45.0 bugs

But then a stranger bug started happening in Firefox (v.45.0.1), where the image flashes a small version of itself when you first hover over it. This bug is fixed and the fix will ship with TB 45.1). This bug here is only about not being able to print the TB composition window, nothing else. (I'm restricting access to this bug to avoid further comments.


She uses Firefox 45 on an old computer and she says that she cannot upgrade Firefox because the computer is too old. In the end I managed to 'fix' it by tweaking either the scale ratio or the actual size of the image file. That bug was about pasting from FF 45 to TB 38. the abilities of TenFourFoxs variant of the Firefox 45 codebase.

firefox 45.0 bugs


One user on my Discourse forum is complaining about various interface bugs (buttons not being at the correct place, for instance). It is a port of Mozilla Firefox for PowerPC-based Macintosh computers running Mac OS X.

Firefox 45.0 bugs